Free, Professional Webhosting Solutions Do they exist? Finding a completely free, reliable, affordable and user friendly website hosting company is difficult. In most cases a free webhost company does not provide ftp access, which is essential for fast and easy file upload. Any other upload process is usually a nightmare especially if you update files regularly. Fast, easy and secure data upload and server uptime are the most basic requirements that you should check for when searching for a web hosting plan. I am happy to recommend the best web site hosting company I found during research and trial over the past 10 years. This highly professinal, top of the line server, provides virtually all that's needed at a very competitive price. Although it is not competely free, it is very affordable and you can host all additional domains for free plus you will get a free domain name that would otherwise cost you $10 to $20 a year. That means that you pay one monthly fee for all your projects, regardless of size or complexity. (check out the features) This all makes a lot of sense to me and is a win-win situation for clients and provider. If you are planning to run a commercial site, marketing tools like Google adwords, Yahoo search and Miva (total worth US$125) will give you a jump start and are also included. Doing your sums,
you will find that your webhosting is virtually free, plus you will
get more than you will ever need, even as a high demand professional
webmaster. |
tips to find a good web hosting company For
your own peace of mind |
perfect host - their straight
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@ $6.95/month Have a closer look at the complete up to date features list! click here |
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