Where the wild things are...


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These cute spiders should actually also be considered for the royal hunt as they are just about big enough for battering (3-4cm without legs)



This specimen (or speciwoman) was in fact even bigger than the previous one. I could not find out whether they are poisonous.



The entire island of Tongatapu leans northward into the sea. The northern shores are sloping flat into the lagoon, while the southern coast line is mostly steep and rugged. Here we find the amazing blowholes where the ocean swell hits the cliff. Cavities in the rocks spurt out the water in big fountains.(Here a small video from the scene 1MB).I like this powerful place where the air is enriched by the energy of the sea. It is a pity that most oft the stunning places here don't have any accommodation.



Although this building looks like there was "something happening here" at some stage.



Through the tongan Alps, that will provide stunning ski slopes in the next ice age, we cruise on to the natural bridge. This is a collapsed cave, the remains form a huge arch where the water is rushing through. A very nice spot.



From the top of the bridge we have some nice views along the south coast.



After some time we pass the kings residence. The place however isn't really worth a photo as it looks abandoned. We follow the road until we come to the kings beach. A beautiful sandy beach that invites to swim. Along the way we pass a cemetery where the graves are decorated with empty beer bottles. I could not find out whether this peaceful place is dedicated to members of the AA.



In any way, this seems to be a great spot for the peaceful rest. (Before and after)



A few interesting stone monuments are to be found in the northeast of Tongatapu.

Until 100 years ago, the Tu'i Tonga dynasty ruled in the area of Lapaha. One of the oldest dynasties with the most influential kings of the pacific region. The tongan empire stretched once from Fiji, Samoa to Niue. The large burial grounds of the royal family are frequently found in this area and very durable. Heavy stone slabs are used to erect pyramid-like mounds.



Some old trees and overgrown table-like stone slabs indicating the power of these spots.



On the eastern side of the island I found the Ha'amonga Trilithon. A stone monument that consists of three stones. Its vertical stones of 5m height and 4.25m depth are joined by a precisely shaped lintel of nearly 6m length. The early kings of Tu'i Tonga settled here. Until 900 years ago they moved to Lapaha, where they found easier landings for their canoes. The whole region of Mu'a is a very interesting area for archeologists. Perhaps here we find some last evidence of the sunken continent of Lemuria (Mu). Not far from the east coast of Tongatapu the australasian and pacific plates meet to form one of earths deepest sea valleys. No human being was ever able to decent into the depth of more than 10km.

I have scanned in an article from the tongan Visitors bureau, for people who are interested in this area. page1 page2



The lagoon that once was the landing for the fierce tongan warrior canoes is scavenged by fishing pigs today. During the last century the kings residence moved to the capital of Nuku'alofa.


Next page shows you the big smoke of Tongatapu.


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